Design tutorials as opinionated usage guides

Back in the day, hired a lot of Flowdock (now defunct chat application, like Slack) employees back in the days, for example my manager. According to my understanding, this lead to flourishing usage of the Flowdock application. One of the, alleged, reasons for this was that those who had both designed and implemented the product were able to guide and educate other employees within Smartly on how to use the application to its fullest.
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Digital Garden

A digital garden is an intersection between a notebook and a blog. I use Neuron for my notetaking to keep my ideas/notes in a Zettelkasten. Sometimes I write stuff that could be nice to share, other times not. However, Neuron supports tagging notes, so I got the idea that I could simply tag those notes I would like to share. I got to work and got something up with the following setup:
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Troubleshooting NixOS and ZFS

Incident on 21/10/2021. NixOS ZFS partition on laptop reported 0 available bytes on all pools. Teardown: Tried to setup Android Studio with emulator capabilities on my NixOS machine Installed a bunch of packages. Nix the package manager sucks up a lot of storage if not properly scrubbed. Installed and built so much on my machine that suddenly nothing worked anymore. du reported 100% full on everything.
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